PROTEO a le plaisir de vous inviter vendredi 28 mars à 11h30 à la présentation du Dr Steve Bourgault (Université du Québec à Montréal) invité par le Dr Denis Leclerc (Université Laval) dans le CHUL (Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval), local H-00329 – Université Laval.
“ Manipulating polypeptide self-assembly to construct functional nanomaterials for biotechnological and biomedical applications ”
Living organisms have always been an inestimable source of inspiration for the design of nanomaterials for biomedical and technological applications. Proteins and peptides are well known for their capacity to spontaneously self-assemble into organized supramolecular structures with unique mechanical, physical and biological properties. Interestingly, discoveries of the last two decades indicating that cross--sheet structures perform vital physiological activities in numerous organisms have prompted their usage as life-inspired assemblies and matrices. The physicochemical and biological properties of these fibrillar assemblies suggest that they hold great potential as biomaterials. Over the last years, we have shown that such cross--sheet structures can be exploited as self-adjuvanted antigen delivery system for vaccines, as biocompatible semiconductive nanowires and as reinforcing and coating agents for bionanocomposite materials. In this presentation, I will discuss about our most recent works regarding the manipulation of peptide and protein self-assembly and how such engineering supports the applications of these functionalized proteinaceous assemblies, notably as antigen delivery nanoplatforms to immunize against influenza A virus.
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