ENZYMO is a FREE educational web game. It’s a fun, interactive way to learn about the digestive system and biotechnology in Secondary 3 (Cycle 2).
Your students will have intelligent fun with unsuspected applications of proteins, such as digesting foods that stain their laundry, or breaking down plastics that pollute the environment. It’s all there to inspire a taste for proteins, and careers in the biosciences. Find out more about the game and its educational sheet, produced in collaboration with RECIT Culture Éducation, at www.enzymo.ca.

An initiative of Professor Normand Voyer of Université Laval, supported by the PROTEO , the Quebec protein research group, produced by CREO and supported by RÉCIT Culture-Éducation and the Montreal Science Centre – Centre des sciences de Montréal. Financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.