Research Interests
- Bacteria–substratum interactions
- Mechanism of polysaccharide assembly-and-secretion
- Outer-membrane dynamics
- Cellular (kin) recognition
Current Research Projects
- Extracellular matrix polysaccharide assembly-and-secretion mechanism
- Mechanism of bacterial focal adhesion-based gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus
- Click chemistry-based studies of outer-membrane dynamism in metabolically labelled bacteria
- Determinants of self vs non-self recognition in bacteria
Tools and Expertises
- Bacteriology
- Biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Metabolic labelling & click chemistry
- Live single-cell microscopy & tracking (fluorescence & bright field)
- Fluorescent protein localization
- Microfluidics
- Integral membrane protein overexpression
- Membrane protein topology mapping